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James Lewry


Fiona Hutmacher

Senior Consultant

Ethan Ijaz


Kumi Newsletter August 2024

No sooner had it begun, then it was over! As summer draws to an end here in Europe, it’s back to school and work after the holiday period. But global supply chains don’t stop! For the team at Kumi, the summer has been a busy period supporting clients in Africa, Europe, and South America on projects related to the forthcoming battery regulations, building social management systems, and supporting responsible procurement practices in mining. 

In this month’s newsletter, you can read about the team’s recent projects, such as Tim’s work to build a social management system for an aluminium producer and Ethan’s work helping a zinc producer to meet the London Metal Exchange’s (LME’s) responsible sourcing requirements. Fiona has also written a useful insight on improving mine site assessments, in which she shares some practical tips from her experience on mine sites across the world. 

If you haven’t yet taken our free, responsible business health check, now’s a good time! It only takes 5 minutes and you’ll get a free PDF download of your results. Our clients have found this a helpful way to grab a quick snapshot of the maturity of their due diligence processes. If you’d like to do the same, you’ll find links within this newsletter.

Finally, as many children head back to school next week, there will also be those in the countries of our global supply chains that won’t be doing so, whose right to education is not protected. Having returned from a visit to the DRC last week, it was striking to see this challenge up close. Next week in London, we are hosting a networking evening with our sponsor, Stewart Investors, to highlight the work of the Congo Children Trust, Kumi’s charity partner. The Trust is a UK based, non-profit charity which is mobilising a grassroots international network to support the Kimbilio project, helping the needs of children living on the streets in the DRC. There are only a few spaces left for the event, so please follow the event link below if you’d like to join us. We hope to see you there!

James Lewry
Client Services Director

The key developments this month:
1. Voluntary Principles on Security and Human rights 2023
The 2023 annual reports from VPSHR members are now available on the Voluntary Principles Initiative website.
2. Royal Mint starts turning e-waste into gold
The company has built a large industrial plant on its site in Llantrisant in Wales to remove the precious metal from old circuit boards.The gold is initially being used to craft jewellery and later it will be made into commemorative coins.
3. Shein reveals child labour cases at suppliers
Chinese fast fashion giant Shein says it found two cases of child labour in its supply chain last year as it tightens scrutiny of the companies that make the clothes it sells.

LME requirements for a multinational zinc producer

LME requirements for a multinational zinc producer

A multinational zinc producer and LME-listed brand commissioned Kumi to strengthen its supply chain due diligence management system to comply with the London Metal Exchange’s (LME’s) responsible sourcing requirements. Kumi worked with the client to review the company’s procurement processes, control systems for material traceability and supply chain transparency and analyse due diligence policies and procedures to identify gaps and good practices.

Five Steps to Improve Your Mine Site Assessments

Carrying out site assessments to identify supply chain risks is a significant investment of both time and resources. To ensure that ‘boots on the ground’ assessments are not only cost-effective but valuable*, it is crucial to approach them with a strategic mindset. This Insight outlines how to master mine site assessments, enhance efficiency and extract maximum value from the process.

Five essential considerations for downstream companies to achieve cost-effective and value-adding site assessments

Managing social risks: Middle East aluminium company

Kumi supported an aluminium company to enhance its capability to identify and manage social risks across its operations. This built on the support we previously gave our client in developing a responsible sourcing strategy aligned with the London Metal Exchange (LME) and Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) requirements. Following this, our client recognised the need to address social risks in its business and committed to developing a management system that adhered to international best practices, including SA8000, local legislation, and other relevant standards.

Collaborative partnerships to tackle child labour in critical minerals supply chains

We’re hosting a networking and learning event for our charity partner, Congo Children Trust, sponsored by Stewart Investors.

Date: Thursday 5th September
6:30 PM onwards
Location: Impact Hub London, 34b York Way, London, N1 9AB

Join us to hear from these inspiring speakers:
– Andrew Britton, Kumi
– Christopher McGoldrick, Stewart Investors
– Ian Harvey, Congo Children Trust
– Karen Britton, volunteer at Congo Children Trust

This event leans towards senior stakeholders interested in making an impact to tackle child labour. Attendance is free, with an optional ticket purchase—proceeds will support vulnerable children in the DRC through the Congo Children Trust.

Book your space now!