Volvo Cars: responsible sourcing programme

Volvo Cars: responsible sourcing programme

Kumi has been retained by Volvo Cars to support the business in developing a responsible sourcing strategy that implements the due diligence recommendations of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. The objective of this work is to implement structured due diligence and responsible sourcing practices that can be applied across prioritised raw materials in the company’s supply chain. The initial focus is on ‘conflict minerals’ and cobalt; however, agricultural commodities and raw materials such as leather will be addressed.

To provide the baseline for strategy development, Kumi’s responsible sourcing consulting team undertook an assessment of the company’s existing supply chain management and assessment processes against the due diligence recommendations of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. This resulted in a series of prioritised recommendations which the company, with support from Kumi, is taking forward to the next stage of developing management system processes and practices and engagement with suppliers.