Building capacity for Trafigura’s Bolivian minerals suppliers

Building capacity for Trafigura’s Bolivian minerals suppliers

Kumi was commissioned by Trafigura, a global commodity trader, to implement a capacity building programme for its Bolivian suppliers of lead and zinc concentrates. This project was part of our ongoing support to Trafigura as an advisor on responsible sourcing and the project extended Trafigura’s responsible sourcing programme to include undertaking due diligence beyond first tier suppliers.

Kumi undertook a desk-based review of supply chain risks associated with small-scale mining and determined the key improvements needed. After mapping relevant stakeholders, Kumi conducted interviews with selected parties. Drawing on these exercises, Kumi developed a supplier toolkit to be shared with first tier suppliers, around which a capacity building programme for implementation was developed.

Man in yellow jacket handing over documents to another person. Another person in the corner writing down notes on his document

Strengthening suppliers’ ability to meet responsible sourcing expectations

As a result of our work and Kumi’s ongoing support, Trafigura has a stronger understanding of supply chain risks and its suppliers are strengthening their ability to conform with Trafigura’s supply chains expectations.

The project involved:

  • Developing a practical due diligence toolkit, including guidance on Trafigura’s expectations, establishing risk management systems, supplier questionnaires and site assessments.
  • Supporting the development and implementation of suppliers’ responsible minerals sourcing programmes
  • Supplier site assessments to evaluate suppliers’ implementation of supply chain due diligence.

Kumi’s team of responsible sourcing consultants continue to engage with Trafigura’s Bolivian supply chain by helping to build capacities and provide the support that is needed to maintain Trafigura’s responsibly sourced supply. For more information on the project, see Trafigura’s Sustainability Report 2022.