Kumi’s analysis of the five myths of grievance mechanisms

Download Kumi’s analysis of the five myths of grievance mechanisms:

Myth #1 – “Our corporate whistleblowing hotline is our grievance mechanism…”

Myth #2 – “Everything must be fine because no one has raised a grievance…”

Myth #3 – “It’s only PR, it gives us stats for our sustainability report…”

Myth #4 – “One size fits all; it’s best to take the same approach everywhere”

Myth #5 – “Technology can take care of it for us…”

Download here.

See here for more information about Kumi’s and Safecall’s upcoming webinar: “Grievance Mechanisms: Improving stakeholder engagement and supply chain transparency” on Wednesday 8th November 2023, 11:00–12:00 GMT.