ITA-RMI: Alignment Assessment

ITA-RMI: Alignment Assessment

Kumi was appointed by the International Tin Association (ITA) and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) to conduct an Alignment Assessment of the new ITA-RMI Assessment Criteria for Tin Smelting Companies. The aim of this was to enable the ITA-RMI Assessment Criteria to achieve conditional approval by the London Metal Exchange (LME) as an OECD-aligned standard that LME brands may use to demonstrate compliance with the LME Responsible Sourcing requirements.

The assessment evaluated the extent to which the standard aligned with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (OECD Minerals Guidance), which forms the basis of the LME requirements. With the OECD Minerals Guidance becoming increasingly integral to both regulation and industry compliance mechanisms, the OECD Alignment Assessment process has become the reference point against which the content and efficacy of mineral supply chain due diligence standards is judged.

Looking below, at the works by a lake

Kumi has shaped the OECD Alignment Assessment methodology

To deliver this engagement Kumi undertook the following tasks:

  • A desk-based assessment using the OECD Alignment Assessment Methodology (that Kumi had previously worked with the OECD to develop). This assessment included a review of the standard and other relevant documentation such as supporting guidance documents.
  • Interviews with key staff at the ITA and RMI to inform the assessment.
  • Analysis of findings utilising the OECD’s Alignment Assessment tool and preparation of a report to the ITA and RMI management teams.

The assessment found that the ITA-RMI Assessment Criteria are Fully Aligned with the recommendations of the OECD Minerals Guidance (in relation to ‘policies and standards’). As a result, the LME awarded the ITA-RMI Assessment Criteria conditional approval for use by LME brands under ‘Track A’ of the LME’s Responsible Sourcing requirements. The ITA-RMI Assessment Criteria is the first standard to achieve this recognition by the LME. An assessment of ‘implementation’ is anticipated in due course.

For more information see the ITA’s press release.

Mining site with heavy machinery, and a large pile of rock materials